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Community guidelines

These Community Guidelines ("Guidelines") are intended to help You understand the types of content that OBDeleven believes to be inappropriate for use in connection with the Website and Services (all capitalized terms not defined in these Guidelines have the same meanings as in OBDeleven Website Terms & Conditions ). Keep in mind that the Guidelines are intended as guidelines, and not as an exhaustive list of content that OBDeleven finds inappropriate. OBDeleven reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject any content for any reason.

Prohibited Content

Content that:

•    Infringes the rights, including without limitation the copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary rights, of any third party, or violates any agreement between you and a current or former employers concerning the intellectual property you create or created during your employment;
•    Is libelous or defamatory, or violates the privacy or publicity rights of any third party;
•    Consists of or contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, malicious code or other harmful or destructive content;
•    Is obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy or pornographic, that may constitute child pornography, or that may solicit personal information from or exploit in a sexual or violent manner anyone under the age of 18;
•    Depicts excessive violence, contains comments or images that are offensive, abusive, threatening, harassing or menacing, or that incites, encourages or threatens physical harm against another;
•    Promotes or glorifies racial intolerance, uses hate and/or racist terms, or signifies hate towards any person or group of people;
•    Advocates the violent overthrow of the government of the United States or other conduct that could constitute a fraud or other criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national, or foreign law or regulation;
•    Glamorizes the use of illegal substances and drugs;
•    Promotes gambling or casinos;
•    Promotes the buying, selling, or trading of firearms or weapons;
•    Promotes the misinformation of health issues relating to an epidemic or pandemic, that could result in serious consequences for the public;
•    Violates in any way applicable laws or regulations, including without limitation laws designed to regulate unsolicited email or other electronic advertising, in any jurisdiction where the Website or Services are marketed or provided;
•    Violates any provision of this Agreement or any other ProBoards agreement or policy;
•    Has a detrimental effect to the goodwill and good standing of ProBoards or any of its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents, contractors or representatives; or
•    Is generally offensive or in bad taste, as determined by ProBoards.

Intellectual Property Rights

As OBDeleven asks others to respect OBDeleven' intellectual property rights, OBDeleven respects the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe content located on or linked to by the Website violates your copyright, you are encouraged to notify OBDeleven in accordance with OBDeleven' Digital Millennium Copyright Act Policy. 

OBDeleven may share certain personal data with forum members, such as admins, moderators, and other forum members  (collectively, "Forum Staff"), as set forth in the Privacy Policy. For example, when a user registers or posts to a forum, the user's email address, IP address, and time and date  of the post may be made available to the Forum Staff.

Under the laws of many jurisdictions, Forum Staff who have access to non-public personal data of users share OBDeleven' responsibility to ensure such data remains private and is used, transferred, or disclosed only in accordance with OBDeleven Privacy Policy. Accordingly, Forum Staff should only disclose user personal data to other Forum Staff on a need-to-know basis—for example, if a particular user is banned from the forum, the user’s IP address could be confidentially and securely disclosed to enforce the ban. Forum Staff should never publicly disclose personal data of users—including by posting it to the forum, even if the forum is private—unless the user has already publicly disclosed or expressly consented to disclosure of the data in question. Forum Staff are encouraged to take the proverbial high road in managing user conflicts and should never exploit non-public personal data in resolving such disputes.

If Forum Staff collects any personal data of users (including for analytics purposes) outside of what is collected and provided to them by OBDeleven, then they are responsible for ensuring they obtain the express informed consent of each user prior to doing so. It is up to the Forum Staff to ensure its disclosures, consent mechanism, usage, storing and sharing practices comply with all applicable laws.