Read & Clear Trouble Codes

Read & Clear Trouble Codes
Scan, read, and clear trouble codes with just a few taps on your smartphone. When a vehicle has an issue, OBDeleven helps to identify and display trouble codes from various control units, such as the engine, transmission, ABS, airbags, multimedia and more, for all Volkswagen Group (VAG) and selected BMW Group and Toyota Group vehicles.
The application shows two types of trouble codes – passive and active. While passive faults can be cleared, active faults must be fixed.
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Customize your car with OBDeleven
OBDeleven NextGen – a pocket-sized Bluetooth device was designed to make it easier for all drivers to communicate with their cars better. It offers Advanced Diagnostics for the Volkswagen Group (VAG), BMW Group, and Toyota Group, customizations for Volkswagen Group (VAG) and BMW Group, and Basic OBD2 Diagnostics for all car brand owners.
Customize your car the way you want and access hidden features with the help of various One-Click Apps. You can purchase your favorite Apps with Credits, our in-app currency.
Officially licensed by the Volkswagen Group (VAG), BMW Group, and Toyota Group, OBDeleven is the first third-party tool that lets you customize the newest VAG models with our SFD-unlock feature.